I use the munchkin 360 cup. I put maybe 2 oz in there at a time and let him drink as much as he wants (he’s not even 7 months so he doesn’t get much out). But I give it to him mostly after he’s been eating solids. For 1, to get him in the habit of drinking at meals, and 2 to soften his stool after eating solid foods. I am gonna try straws soon tho
I give an open (baby) cup with a few sips during solids only. We do solids a few times a week, not necessarily everyday and twice on some days. This came in handy when we went to a restaurant and let her try some pasta, then I gave some water from a regular open cup at the restaurant.
My daughter taught herself how to use a straw at 5 months lol. So i usually just give her a sip of my water when she eats solids. Or sometimes we use open cups but I hold it for her.
I’ve put it in her bottle and will squeeze the tip so it sprays her. She’s loves it. She’ll open her mouth for it. It’s a very small stream so it ain’t much.
We use a straw, I put about 2oz in her cup and let her drink as much as she wants. She never drinks it all up but she drinks a good amount. Will start practicing using an open cup when she is 7 months old
I have a dr browns weighted straw cup for my little one, she's slowly getting the hang of it but still struggles here and there, she has no teeth yet and still exclusively bf with only about 2-4 TBS of baby food a day... she still relies heavily on breastmilk, which is okay for me. Food before 1 is just for fun, or that's what they say, lol. I'm just enjoying her being little. 🥰 I will probably get her a 360 cup when she gets older or just use a regular cup with only a few drops in.
I got a silicone sippy cup for my daughter and at first it scared her (it was a little fast and it was her first time having water) but then she loved it! I started by just letting her have a few sips here and there when she was playing, then I tried giving her 2oz in the cup during one of her solid meals and she immediately lost interest in her food and just wanted the cup so we've veered away from it a little 😅
I give my 6 month maybe 2/3 oz of water, only half makes it into her mouth 😂. I give it to her when we eat solids only. We use an open silicon cup and also a silicon straw. She loves it!!
I give him a little bit, literally a few drops, in an open cup after eating his purées in the morning and evening. Also have a transition bottle (regular bottle with sippy nipple) with water for him to practice drinking on his own - which he doesn’t really drink from ☺️ is this enough?