Well today we watched miss peregrines home for peculiar children even my husband was questioning if the movie really was for kids but I don’t think he really is seeing something because he wouldn’t act like that only after he watched the movie
Nothing spooky or scary movie wide til 7 or 8 at least.
My son is also 3 years old, going on 4. He hasn’t displayed being scared to that extent but I do think it can be what he or whoever takes care of him is watching. My mom’s recovering likes to watch a lot of true crime and scary/suspense movies and I’ve noticed my son will have a harder time to sleep or cry throughout the night when that happens. My mom noticed it too so she tries not to watch certain stuff when she’s taking care of him. Or maybe someone is scarring him but playfully. When they’re that little they don’t understand you’re playing. One time my bro in law was flickering his eyes and then my son started showing signs of fright and mentioning the eyes. I realized it was because of that. But you can reassure him that everything’s ok, maybe help him come up with “solutions.” Like what he can do when he feels that way like a bed time story, a song, hugging a stuffy, having a night light, or having a grown up “check” his room, maybe have you or dad in bed w him for a bit?
Hmm I’ve never watched that movie but I checked the rating - I don’t think that’s age appropriate. I think for this age it should be rated G.
@Esther yea my brother in law play with him like the boogie man and stuff like that and yea he would mention him here and there but yea we watched that movie together and honestly it’s been years since I last seen the movie so I didn’t remember the monsters being that realistic and scary
Get him into the Ghostbusters, give him a spray bottle and flash light to do his own busting.
Does he watch scary movies? Maybe he is really seeing something