@Amy I saw my midwife today and she thinks I’m having braxton hicks and the baby is head down which is probably putting additional pressure. If I’m still feeling pains tomorrow I will go to triage. I had the stitch checked last week and all was ok and no signs of preterm labor. X
@Amy what did the recommend for you for the pain? I’m booked for a C-section at 39 weeks but I’m very high risk of preterm labor. But I would be happy if they did bring her a couple weeks early if possible to ease the cervix pain x
There’s honestly not much in terms of pain killers that we can take when pregnant - dihydracodiene and paracetamol. But you can have 1 dihydracodiene with 2 paracetamol. If you rate your pain anything above a 5 go get checked out immediately yes it’s not a fun process because your sat waiting around for god knows how long but it could be multiple other things - just because your stitch is fine it doesn’t mean nothing else might not be wrong with you. X
Go get yourself checked by maternity triage. I had the shirodkar suture in and I’ve experienced the same the pain got so bad that I was in tears with discomfort. Do not leave it thinking it’s nothing, go get checked out!