@Chloe this is helpful to know! The last two nights I’ve slept with my Back to her because it’s so uncomfortable being pregnant and thought well I hope this is okay! And it was fine to be fair x
I think you just have to make sure they don't fall off the edge of the bed. My son was 2.5 years old before he learned how to sleep without bed guards. He still falls out every now and again but it is rare. His bed is low though so not really an issue Xx
Thank you that’s really helpful to know!! Hopefully another year or so then and we can just literally plonk her in the bed with us and go back to sleep 🙈🙏
So over 1 you can relax on some aspects, like not sleeping in a cuddle curl for example. If you’ve got a firm mattress, sleeping on their back whilst cosleeping also isn’t essential. Just have to monitor and assess the other risks and do what works for you. Over 2 is basically when it’s just a case of chucking them into bed with you and going back to sleep and not having to be alert/aware of them. Its blissful 😂