Day care/nursery
I'm not sure what I'm looking for. Opinions or advice! My little girl has just turn 18 months, she does a couple of gestures and a couple of words but I wouldn't say her communication is great but I understand what she means. And she sometimes ignores you when you say her name. My nursery brought us in to say they are concerned she's not meeting those milestones and to contact health visitor. So I have and have an appointment at the end of the month (they arnt concerned). In my opinion my nursery is now over stepping... they are saying that appointment isnt soon enough, asked if they could bring in someone from the council as they need support (she's not naughty in the slightest), i said inwantwd to wait untill ive seen hv and they said they sre bringjng them in anyway, they are ringing the health visitor etc what's your thoughts on this? I don't want to take her back there
Overstepping definitely. Okay they’ve given that advice and you’ve contacted the HV but that’s enough. She’s only 18 months still