Vvvvfl or line eyes?

I’m irregular but between 6-8dpo I think. Felt like I could see an extremely faint line but second guessing myself. Will re-test tomorrow but will be obsessing over this all day! More photos in comments.
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I don’t see anything

I can see it. And I always found they are a tiny bit easier to see in person than when you take a pic so I'd be feeling positive

Thank you! I feel less crazy now but I hate this wait

It’s not a sure thing but I do see it!

It’s so funny (and beneficial) to have this community because if I showed my husband my camera roll he would look at me like I am crazy

Has it got darker

Did you retest? X

I did, had two more faint positives and a negative but nothing darker or clearer unfortunately. Will post photos below!

Both were taken within the time frame. Also used more strip tests which have given varying results but doesn’t help that I don’t know how many DPO I am either. I would expect my period in between 4-7 days though so could be too early test but the fact that the tests have been inconsistent is a bit confusing!

Could just be evap then. Yea it’s too early to test just wait till your period and check again

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