Baby flutters

I used to feel my baby flutter the day of my sonogram I felt my baby flutter but for some reason the fluttering stoped I don’t know if I should be worried I’m 15 weeks and 5 days then I was 13 barley 14 weeks. I don’t have another sonogram until the 21st of this month. I’m not cramping or bleeding should I be worried? I already told my ob she just said that babies don’t usually move until 16 17 weeks and asked if there was cramping or bleeding present but there isn’t.
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Yeah I wouldn’t be worried either. Mine had stop too but the baby was fine

@Jody How do you know tho? When did they start back up?

I had a Doppler at home. Then when the kicks started a few weeks later that had stopped again which had me worried again because she was very active then I went to my appointment and got an ultrasound and realize she’s still kicking I just couldn’t feel it

@Jody I understand it’s a scary thing. I pray everything’s ok. I feel something very very light here and there but it’s nothing how they were so I don’t think anything it started a few days ago idk if that’s movement or just my gut

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