Ha! Get an apple watch or other bio/sleep tracker and show him your data. Tell him his opinion is adorable, but completely unsupported by reality. Even better, suggest doing it together and compare your results. 🤣
I should use my apple watch.. literally havnt worn it in 2 years since i havnt worked... hell, i hope IT still works!
That man is messed up, and fr start waking him up everytime u get up, ik that sounds petty but do it onna weekend or something when he doesn't work and see how he feels. My man knows not to say that ever since I sat him down and had a talk with him about what really goes on. Because truthfully your sleep should be the prioritized sleep not his. A sleep deprived parent by themselves at home with multiple kids is literally dangerous like life or death but if bro loses a little sleep he'd be fine it's not like he'd fall asleep while in charge of two little humans who need you for literally everything. Bro needs some perspective fr. Now ik I'm using overdramatization but seriously it should never be a question as to who does more and who needs more sleep. You pushed them out of u, u ultimately win that argument everytime. Men sometimes fr just need to shut their mouths, maybe leave him with the kids for a bit and see how easy it is for him.
Not to mention me waking up everyday at 6:30 to get my bonus daughter off to school then trying my best to lay back down for the remaining hour that my 2 are sleep 🙄 before they get up