Early wake ups

Anyone have any advice or been through a similar thing? My 5 month old has gone from waking up at 7/7.30am to now wanting to start the day at 5.30am out of the blue. I don’t think it’s a regression as it’s been ongoing for 2-3 weeks now. We’ve tried changing bed time to be earlier and later - neither helped. We’ve tried making last wake window longer and moving his naps forwards and that also hasn’t helped. He doesn’t seem to be waking from hunger as he still has one night feed around 2.30am and if I try to offer a bottle when he wakes at 5.30 he doesn’t want it and won’t go back to sleep 😭
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Exactly the same here! We’ve tried everything too and he still wakes between 5-5:30. Annoyingly, he’s still tired but refuses to sleep however he’ll fall back to sleep after 1-2hrs like he’s done this morning 🙃 we’re awake by then though!

@Naomi god it’s so annoying isn’t it! Like yes I know babies cause lack of sleep for parents but 5/5.30am is silly. My little boy won’t even stay in bed and just chill. He instantly wants to go into the living room to play 😭

My son has always been a 5:30 start and he’s 2 now. Babies find their wake up time x

@Keeley I love that you’ve just accepted that’s his wake up time - good for you mamma. I however do not claim 5.30am energy 🤣🤣 I hope I manage to find the willpower you have!! X

I don’t 😭😂 I just have no choice lmao

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