Mine got used to daily stuff as well, when we had our first it wasn’t as frequent but still a lot, and If I turned it down it would be upsetting for him to the point where slowly and slowly over time I felt like an object and lost all motivation to do anything, now I don’t want to at all and he’s been upset and feeling like I’m not attracted to him but the truth is emotionally I’m not 😞 mind you he knows as a teen I was blackmailed and essentially SAd so for him to make me feel like it was an obligation has completely pushed me away.. I’ve suggested he get therapy to better himself but he has yet to go
@Sera Kay ✨ none taken lol
@Natalia I’m so sorry to hear that. I’ve told my husband a few times that since my libido is down he needs to be more romantic to try to get me in the mood. I guess a text while I’m downstairs asking if I wanna do it when the baby goes down for a nap is as romantic as it gets. My birthday is Thursday so we’ll see if he even attempts to be romantic.
Aww yeah guys don’t really think much about the “emotional” aspect. Our anniversary is Thursday so I’m sure he’s expecting something and just thinking that makes me not want to celebrate, I’m also currently pregnant and have said I don’t feel comfortable with doing anything as it caused spotting my last pregnancy that ended in a loss so I’m still traumatized. I wish they thought about us more than themselves in that aspect
He does sound like a sex addict and potentially also a porn addict (although porn addiction isn't recognised yet, there is research that shows that porn is as addictive as cocane and heroin for a man). Wanking every day can be normal for a man but they should be able to go at least 1 to 2 days without needing to empty without being a horny cranky mess.
I had an ex-partner like this, but he was much more self-aware and in specialised therapy...which I think is really what's needed here. In his case it was primarily related to anxiety...but whatever the case as with everything, there's probably an underlying cause. Regardless, you should read up on sexual coercion to ensure you don't fall into that trap. Don't ever feel pressured to do anything you don't want to do. You are soverign over your own body and mind.
I feel like my comment was rude as fuck so I deleted it and apologize!! You do deserve SO MUCH better than this treatment though. This is trash!
My ex absolutely was. It damaged our relationship. If you haven't talked to him and you think it will help, talk to him. Sex isn't a joke, men need to understand we are more than just a bag of meat to please them too. Just bear that in mind mama. You definitely deserve way better. I'd offer him a divorce for being an insensitive selfish dick. Don't have sex just to appease him either. That's awful. Don't do anything you DO NOT WANT TO DO. I don't care how long y'all been together. Ain't worth it.
I think he is too. It’s always crazy to me that husbands (some) will get upset and you’ve got kids to worry about!!! I wouldn’t touch my partner with a 10 foot pole when my twins are born and at least 3 months old sleeping better. It’s mean and obviously he’s not being considerate. Idk about you but if someone threatens divorce over sex they don’t value the relationship. I say let him go.