Following for the same reason
Honestly get moving around, nothing too strenuous but small walks to the corner shop etc, no heavy lifting and I can't stress that enough as it can really pull and hinder your recovery, stool softener too as it does hurt your stomach when trying to force a number two, I used a pillow a lot against my stomach for baby cuddles, feeding etc as you will be tender, once your plaster is off your cut, lots of fresh when you can will help massively with healing (I had an infection in my cut from not doing this enough and it was grim) don't try and do it all alone, accept help because honestly it's a god send having someone even just offer to do the dishes or sit with baby while you grab a shower, loose clothing, nothing tight and cotton underwear, the big old granny pants for a while as you need them up high, peppermint tea and chewies too for gas pain after surgery as it does hurt and it does help relieve it, also sleeping propped up as trying to get yourself from a flat position is sore xx
@Rebecca following as i am in the same position.