I’m having an elective this time round due to a traumatic birth that ended with us both being very unwell and spending quite some time in hospital/NICU. The thought of going for a VBAC and having the same experience and resulting in emergency c sec again is what made my decision for me.
Going for an elective this time too, I was told I only have a 60-70% chance of a successful VBAC and I don’t want to do over a day of Labour and ending in a c section again I didn’t sleep for over 2 days and it was not ideal with a newborn 😅 I also have slight trust issues with the midwife’s in the hospital so knowing that they are here and safe quickly is comforting to me 🙂
Totally your choice and I’m sure a consultant will advise too. I had an emergency c section last time and having an elected as I was told I couldn’t give birth naturally due to my physiology. X
I'm opting for an elective after a traumatic 1st time which then lead to an emergency c section
Also having an elective this time due to a traumatic first which ended in a c section. I also felt ignored and have trust issues which lead to complications so an elective gives me so much comfort this time round
I had a traumatic labour that ended in emergency c section however I would like to opt for a VBAC this time. I've got a meeting with the consultant next week so haven't been told whether this will be ok or not yet but for me the recovery after the c section was awful and I can't imagine having to do that with a toddler. I was also really ill in hospital for a week after because during the c section my bowels got messed with and I was so unwell. I really don't want to do all that again. It was also really hard for me to come to terms with not being able to give birth how I wished and I'd regret it if I never got to experience actually giving birth. Obviously if there's health issues for either of us I will reconsider but at the moment this is my thinking x
I'm opting for an elective this time round. My first was a traumatic natural birth, and I really struggled with how ignored I felt during it and how out of control I felt of absolutely everything, I also lost nearly a litre of blood and my baby was on the 4th centile. An elective this time feels like the better option for me personally