@Kerrie I’ve had that one too 🤷🏻♀️🙄 it’s infuriating
I could be pissed off all day! I don’t blame your feelings. I encourage you to have a pacific conversation with him about it. So next time he watch out how he talks.
My partner is the same, I don't see you staying up with LO and trying to feed them and settle them. I wish they could be in our boots for a day, they'd definitely stop saying stupid stuff then
@Josie I know I feel like asking him to do a few sleepless nights and then still have to function during the day!
@Joss i think I’ll be having a word tonight 😂 im still annoyed about it now!
Mine works evenings. I will keep the kids occupied for an hour or two in the morning and then when he does wake up I hear "why are you up so early". Then on his day off it will be an hour before bedtime and he says "its so late you need to get to bed". We talked and he has been doing better, but ahhhhhhhh. The sleepless nights will always make the comments more annoying.
My little one woke up and wouldn’t settle the other night. After 4 times of him screaming once putting him down, I asked my partner to take over. He got hold of the baby monitor and in a huff said “I’ve got to be up in 3 hours, thanks a fucking lot but yeah you go back to sleep” I wouldn’t have asked but was at my wits end
@Katelynn that’s just it I think not sleeping makes you even more reactive to the littlest thing. I honestly spent the majority of my day annoyed at his comment this morning 😂
@Lucie you did the right thing! When I was still on mat leave I did pretty much all the night wakes with our LO but now I’m back at work too it’s going to have to be split 50/50. Our baby isn’t the best sleeper so it shouldn’t just be down to me to be up all night with her when I’m also back at work!
It's when the babies been up multiples times a night and refusing to go back to sleep and he says "have you tried giving her a bottle?" No shit