That’s a really great suggestion, thank you! Over Christmas I put knickers on her now and again just to see how she reacted and sometimes she was fine and other times she really cried and said mummy nappy!! But will definitely try knickers with the nappy over. Thanks for the advice 🥰
We have the same problem.. he will sit on the potty without a nappy on for quite a while and nothing happens but then pull at his trousers and nappy as he wants them back on to have a wee.. he’s recently started to go sit on the potty to have a poo but only if he’s still got his nappy on.. when we take it off him he just pulls at his nappy to pull it back up … I’m just keeping encouraging and when it starts to get a bit warmer do more days with no nappy on at all and see what happens 😂 x
I would try putting some pants on and then a nappy, she won’t like the feeling of being wet and maybe this will encourage her to do it on the toilet, have you tried her in the toilet instead? Some children go through this phase and then a few months later potty train really well so please don’t panic but also don’t push her as the more you push the more she will push back