Have to bring baby

Pregnant with baby #2 with a 11 month old. I have my glucose test next week. Would it be crazy to go with my 11month old? Drinking and hanging out for an hour is chill but has anyone gotten their blood drawn with a baby?
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Yes, I have to bring my daughter to all of my appointments (she’s almost 2 now) because I have no help. Just bring lots of snacks, some toys, whatever will keep your baby entertained!

@Alexis my baby is very fussy lately I hope she won’t cry the whole time. I was wondering if I should hzve hubby take off work but why waste a day of work for a 5min blood draw right?

I got pregnant when my baby was 7-8 months old, she was with me at every single one of my appointments. When she couldn't be by me (an ultrasound) another nurse cared for her and then brought her back when it was done. All my doctors loved seeing her when I came in, even on fussy days they talked to her too

How good are you with getting your blood drawn? If you're fine it's probably not a big deal. I'm not great with it at all, so if I had to bring my kids, they'd need to be tethered. 😬 I'd be worried that I'd faint and they'd be scared of it, and all of their shots for the rest of their lives... Maybe try to do it early in the morning or late in the afternoon so hubby can just take off a half day. It's a one-time thing, for the baby. 👶

@Nevaeh and she let’s other people hold her?? I love that. My baby will cry if someone she doesn’t know holds her (I’m with the same nurses/doctor that I had with her but she obviously doesn’t recognise them) My mom says she cries cause she’s just not used to other people being around her/holding her. We don’t much family or friends so baby is usually just with me, her dad or my mom. How did you get your baby to be ok with other people holding her? By being around people or she just loves people? Lol

My son was 7 months when I got pregnant again. When I needed to bring him with, I made sure to bring him in the stroller so that I could have him safely tethered when needed for exams and such. It definitely helped! I doubt baby is crying just because they're not used to others holding them. My son was like that, my daughter was the opposite, super chill and happy to engage with anyone. It was more about stranger danger and just wanting to be with me. If she has a favourite toy, bring that if you can.

I don't really know, since she was born she wasn't too much of a fussy baby, she was very observant and loved to see everything and look at everyone when we went to stores, we did move a lot but we where only around my parents, my aunt/uncle and his parents and my 1 friend lol so not too many people but more than just us. At 2 she is still friendly at stores and waves but if she doesn't like a certain stranger oh does she show it lol I went to them my first pregnancy so I trusted them with her for the few minutes just so you know lol

@Nevaeh yea of course I would trust my nurses too but she won’t let them I’m sure lol. So cute love that your babygirl is like that!

@Danielle my brother came to visit from NY and she she hasn’t seen him since she was 6months (5months ago) and she kept crying when he would try to hold her 😭 I was like girlll that’s your uncleeeeeee lol. Yes I’ll definitely bring toys (I’m probably going to buy a new one so she’ll stay entertained a lil longer lol) and snacks!

I'm sorry, in a way it's a good thing, she won't go with a random stranger? Lol

@Nevaeh lol trueee! Stranger will bring her back so quickly like ma’am I’m sorry here take your baby back 😂

I bring my daughter to all appointments I can. She’s older though so she really understands when I tell her to sit and she can be entertained by a movie for an hour. I would ask the receptionist , if you feel more comfortable, if you can wait in the car and they call you in after the hour or just walk in right before. Maybe play some of their fav music, or show . The actual blood draw is so quick I wouldn’t see an issue

I’d just bring her. But maybe instead of a full day off he could do a half day. Maybe she can play with a little squeeze ball as they draw your blood.

@Natalia yes they already told me that I could wait anywhere I want and come back after an hour. I’m really bad with blood so it takes a lil longer for me but it wouldn’t be more than 10min I believe lol

@Macdalia he can’t, it’s either off for the day or work! But yea it sounds like a lot of people bring babies so I’ll just bring her!

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Yeah I bring both my kids with me to get blood work, I just hold my youngest one my lap while they do it

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