Soak it up! Some babies just love sleep. My boy was the same until before Christmas and now he’s a nightmare
Thanks I just worry she going too long without a drink at such a young age
Is she having lots of wet and dirty nappies? Also gaining weight and sticking to the centile she’s on?
Yeah 👍 she’s a little chunk
Amazing! Don’t worry about her not getting enough then if her weight gain is good. She’s obviously getting exactly what she needs
Sounds perfectly fine and normal for some babies. My eldest was sleeping 9pm-5am with no wake ups by 9 weeks and then by 12 weeks was sleeping 7-7 and has done ever since unless poorly, he’s now 3.5.
Thank you for your support girls x
Normal! Mine sleeps 12 hours at night without any feeds x
Our little one was like that up until 4months shes now 6months and for the past 2months she's been waking every 2hrs ish at night and sleeps a total of 1hour a day accumulated from 3 short naps 🥱
@Rosa this is exactly what happened with my little boy!
My son doesn't have a feed at night now. He wakes but not for a feed, just to be a pickle 🤣
My little one has his last bottle around 9 then will sleep till between 8/9.30 My first little boy was similar too, some babies just sleep more than others 😊