How bad is it?

Hello, my baby now is 16 weeks ( photo taken last week) . His been diagnosed with plagiocephaly when he was 9 weeks old. He favours his left side and always turns head to the left. Been trying to promote right side and putting him to sleep with his head to the right but he wiggles and can only adjust it when he’s in deep sleep. We are seeing physiotherapist next week to check on progress. I’m not sure if it’s getting better or worse and getting very anxious 😞
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did they measure asymmetry and give you a grading when you first went? that's handy for reassurance for whether it's getting better or staying the same etc. as a layperson I would call it 'moderate' at the moment, am I seeing a little asymmetry of his forehead? my baby's head was worse than this and his ears were very misaligned, have you checked that? that was what made me take action urgently I know how hard it is to keep their head turned to the other side 😕 if you're considering a helmet (not saying you should) remember that it can take a few weeks from when you decide and 4-7 months is the most effective time for it to be on

like you say it could be the lighting but I think I can see a little improvement here :) I wasn't offered any physio on the NHS 🙃 which is wild because my baby's was quite severe I got him a helmet which went on just before he turned 5 months, during the key period it got better so quickly - about a mm improvement in asymmetry a week. but as soon as he started hitting big milestones (sitting, crawling, pulling up etc at 7/8 months) it really slowed down his head is much better now, we went from pretty severe (15mm asymmetry) to the high end of normal (4mm asymmetry). everyone now tells me they can't see anything but I still can ofc 🙃

aw yes definitely improving!! well done :)

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