@Sham Pain Thank you! I'm going to try the powder instead as Anbesol liquid doesn't seem to be helping much xx
@Rach hope it works for you 🤞 Anbesol and Bonjela didn't seem to be working for us either. He doesn't like the frozen teething toys either! Be kind to yourself this week at work and don't be so hard on yourself! Take it easy, lots of hugs and love xx
You've got this Mumma! I know its tough and I feel you on the exhaustion. My LO is also going through the sleep regression and also teething! It won't last forever, it is just a few weeks! I know it's hard and emotional esp with the lack of sleep. Good luck with being back to work this week! What I've found has helped with my LO with the teething front is, the Ashtons and parsons teething powder before any solids or milk and after dinner, giving him a cold yoghurt that seems to help the teething pain in the evening and night which seems to be worse. Moan/rant away its what us Mums are here for 😂 xx