Weaning/solids second time round
Anyone else feel more emotional about weaning/starting solids with their second bubba? Time has gone so much more quickly this time round and I’m starting solids with him today. I just feel like he’s growing up too quickly! I’m excited but also sad that he’s not tiny anymore. I also know once he starts solids, things will change - he’ll have water and start eating “meals” rather than just constantly being attached to my boobs, his poops will be smellier, I’ll need to worry about allergies and always think about and pack food for him when we go out etc. I’m looking forward to him joining us at the table but I just want to keep him little for a bit longer 😢 I have no idea why I’m posting this but I feel so tearful right now and my husband just doesnt understand how I feel. I hope there are other second time mums out there who do.
Same!!! Honestly pushing it off as long as I can because I’m not ready for him to grow up this fast 😥