@Veronica 😥, I’m sorry I hope you feel better 💖
@joneisha thank you, I'm still up now but hopefully can get some more sleep soon before work🥲 I hope your baby has calmed down a little and sleeps some tonight! Those sleepless nights for them (and us) are rough.
I’m up! Baby woke up screaming, it’s been like this the past 2 nights 😫 cried for 30mins and is back asleep now, not sure what’s going on
My dude woke up screaming too and yelled for almost 2 hours
@Dara 😭😭
@Veronica she went to bed at 5am she had a stomach ache 😔
@Lio my daughter was up until 5am with a stomach ache 😣
@Dara lord I don’t know what I would’ve done. My daughter does that and she absolutely hates when her dad gets her and tries to soothe her she only wants me. I tell her dad not to be too upset bc she only likes me for my boobs 😂
@joneisha , lmao, my son too. Play time he loves my husband for, but for comfort it's always me
I'm up at 1:30 with horrible back pain😖 can't find a comfortable position so I'm up and sitting with a massager that we have