Goat milk formula

I've been reading up on goat milk being better, more filling and helping babies sleep better. I ordered some from Amazon and they have arrived. Anyone switched their LO from regular formula to goat milk please tell I'm on the right trackšŸ™šŸ‘€.
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I guess my question is if goat milk is so great why isnā€™t it the norm for babies? Having said that, my brother had goat milk when he was little (albeit after the age of 1, not formula, as he was breastfed) and did much better than he did with cows milk. As it turns out, the whole family has a cows milk allergy which we wasnā€™t known about at the time.

Just to add to this, my baby has cows milk allergy (suspected) and I was told by a dietician that the protein in cow and goats milk is virtually the same, therefore babies with cmpa typically wouldn't tolerate goats milk either. However, I'm not sure if it improves sleep :) do let us know!

I wouldnā€™t be doing that without a medical professional advice

Fed my 3 month old Holle goats milk since birth he is doing amazingly well growing fast and smart .. itā€™s brilliant for babies and stopped his colic and sleep issues šŸ‘¶šŸ»

Which brand did you get

And we used it for my daughter because she had a dairy allergy and we liked it

My sister in law swears by it and her baby is very healthy and happy. A few doctors have told me itā€™s a very similar protein to cows milk though if thatā€™s what some want to avoid. We never moved onto it as ebf and also doctor told us they didnā€™t know enough about it? Which seemed weird but I guess cows milk is the norm šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø

As they say... Majority carries the vote.šŸ˜…

@Gabrielle i got danalac

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