At what point did you regularly feel baby move?

Just curious to see when you KNEW it was baby you could feel🥰 let me know in the comments what it felt like ❤️
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Little bubbles like gas bubbles or even stomach rumbles (without the hunger) that turn into pushes, then turn into swirls and huge kicks as she gets bigger! With my son I didn’t feel him till 22 weeks as I had an anterior placenta but this time it is posterior and you normally feel the second sooner, i’ve felt her from 15 weeks! 😊

My placenta was on the front of my uterus(anterior), added an extra layer so I didn’t actually feel movements or kicking until about 23 weeks x

Felt baby moving at 14weeks (this is my 3rd baby) patterns got regular at about 19weeks

It was about the 18 weeks for me, I wasn’t sure if I was feeling the baby. Everyone kept saying it feels like bubbles,gas or flutters. But to me it feels like bubbles and little nudges from the inside. And it’s more obvious when I’m resting and Ive had plenty of water and food so I know I’m not hungry or dehydrated. So I know for sure it’s the baby and it feels so cute🥰

Mine doesn’t feel like bubbles or anything like that just like little taps 🥰

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