I’m 10 weeks and have this when I sneeze x
Super reassuring thank you ❤️❤️
Yes, was told it’s round ligament pain. It’s something really painful isn’t it?!
@Anne-Marie honestly when I sneeze it feels like I need to lay down😂 and I’m only 10 weeks!
I get this when I cough, sneeze or stand up & move too quickly😮💨
I get it if I stretch too far or turn/ get up too quickly! It worries me but this thread is comforting that it can be normal
I get sharp pains when I sneeze!! I brought it up to the midwife it’s just the start of round ligament pain! It means everything is doing what it should be! I’m 10 weeks now and had the same, I even had a reassurance scan and little bean is completely fine! If you’re worried definitely speak to the midwife unit about it! They may want to do a scan