We found this one good for potty training This one helped with getting our LO used to using the toilet without the worry of falling in. Plus the steps and handles helped her to be able to use it on her own without help once she was used to it
We initially got the one that has the pretend flush etc. as they said to get something that would interest them but he never uses it and has probably had 1 wee on it. I gave up on it and just got the cheap kind from Tesco (£4.50?) it doesn’t have a high back which gives them a better angle for the pelvis to get themselves situated when learning to poo on there. A similar style is recommended in the oh crap potty training book. I have seen a lot of people who struggle with the potty found success with the steps to the toilet
The normal ones didn’t work for us, we have one which is more like a miniature toilet now and he’s way happier on that. I think it was the hight, he said it was hurting and didn’t like squatting that low. It’s only an inch or so higher but have made a difference. Good luck!
I plan to use a toilet seat reducer and steps instead of potty. Hope it works.
Following as I am in the same position