My baby wears a coat / jacket the time i don’t feel like it’s unsafe as the car seat straps tighten well and the same on the cybex with/without a jacket
It’s advised never to wear thick items or coats in a car seat, if you need to adjust the straps… it usually means it isn’t safe, if you made the e straps loser to fit the coat, it’s not actually protecting them etc. my LO hates a pram suit so always wrapped with footnuff blanket etc so always do a coat and feel like I’ve wasted pram suits lol x
@Jo this 👆🏻 I have 3 lovely pram suits not been used
Yeah my twins are always in pramsuits int he pushchair and blankets over them in the car so never wear a coat! I’ve just bought some little coats for the spring when I think they won’t need a full pramsuit and can have the coat with the footmuff! Put them on Vinted and get some money back for them xx
@Natasha it’s highly unsafe to wear jackets in a car seat, please stop doing this🫶🏼
We use pramsuits and coats for when he is in his pushchair. And we have some knitted cardigans or light cotton jackets for when in carseat, with blanket on top to keep him warm
We use one all the time in the buggy as we have a foot muff thing so full pramsuit would be too much in most weathers, so I suppose it either or really