for those of you who test positive on later days, 12/13/14/15 etc dpo, do you mean you tested negative up until those days? Or just that you waited that long to test. 9dpo and BFN this morning, I’m trying not to lose all hope. Again.
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With my little girl I can't tell you how far past DPO I was. I know my period was 14 days late and I tested negative all those days. My next period was 5 days days late when I tested positive. Don't lose hope at all! Baby will come when they're needed ❤️

Both, some wait and some test negative on the earlier days With my second, I tested negative on dpo 9 and 10, tested very very faint on 12dpo, tried not to get my hopes up as it was so faint camera couldn't really pick it up, got a nice good positive on 14dpo Everyone is different, you're not out till your period shows up

With my second I was testing negative until 14dpo. Then it was only faint on an early test x

@Amber wow. It’s crazy how different it can be.

Yes my first child I had a positive at 9dpo so it does vary

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