Gaming as a mom

How did you guys get to where you could game? I'm 7 months in and by the time I can play anything with my husband, our son is done with his highchair for the day (he likes watching us), done playing or wants to be held. If I hold him while playing, I'm not actually playing, I'm trying to keep him from putting my mic in his mouth, grabbing my mouse, keyboard or controller. I've been trying to play New World with my old guild for a bit, so I have some kind of human interaction, but it hasn't worked out yet. Don't get me wrong, I love that someone wants to be near me constantly, but I'd like to relax and play something that isn't a phone game at 1am.
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Unfortunately My daughter is 10 months and I just stick to single player games as we don’t get change to game. Unless she’s asleep then we can play whatever

My son is about to be 3 in March and the only times I get to play are maybe 20-30 minutes during his nap, but I also have to clean during that window of 1.5 hr.. or study/do hw. Or at night when he goes to bed. Or if my husband takes him outside to play when he comes home. But I either play single player games or quick play modes so that I can leave if I have to with minimal penalty. (Marvel rivals lately lol) we've been trying to get him into gaming, he likes astro bot and the hot wheels racing game but likes watching us play it cause he gets frustrated with the control lol

My daughter is only 10 weeks and I put her in her sling so that I'm hands free and she calms down and sleeps for a couple of hours. Not sure it'll continue to work when she's older but so far so good!

My LO is currently 9 months. Once he goes to bed (around 6:30pm-7pm) my partner and I play then.

Give him a dead controller to play with. Lay him on pillow, boppy while you feed and play at the same time. Play on one screen and turn on a video he like on the other. Buy him a toy that encourages independent play or will keep him occupied for a while. I had it easy with my daughter. I could wear the boppy and lay/sit her on it and she wouldn’t move. My son on the other hand… he wants to stand up, turn around, eat the mic, touch the keyboard/mouse lights, touch everything else on my desk, suck on my chair pillow… instead of fighting ppl on COD I’m fighting my son 😂

My daughter just turned 1 but I typically wait for her to have her naps and that’s when I play my games. I try to play short games like Hogwarts legacy or cozy games so I don’t have to leave a game mid match when she wakes up. But when she sleeps at night is when I play like first shooter games so I know she’ll sleep all night but sometimes she does wake up so I put her back to sleep and continue to play games afterwards but I try to not stay up so late since she’s an early bird😭

I don't play during the day with my daughter around. I play after she goes to bed, occasionally during a nap if I have time, and sometimes she spends nights at grandma's so we have a big team speak party then. It's not as much as I used to play, but when I had a kid I fully expected that meant cutting back. 🤷 I still get time a few nights a week and that's enough.

Baby wearing! Sometimes I put my 6 month old on my back carrier stand and play something I can wrap him to the front and sit at the edge of the sleep bounce til he falls asleep and then play the game

@Jade the baby backpack is something I would have never thought about

@Bria give it a try! Apologies for the typos🤣

@Jade I sure am.. just gotta figure out HOW to get the baby on my back lol.

We play once baby goes to sleep

@Jade omg I've seen a mom stream herself playing cod and she was baby wearing, the little baby is just sleeping while she kicks ass 😂

@Nancy wow that’s really cool!!

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@Bria check out this style carrier, this is what I used with my oldest now with my 6 month old… falls asleep so fast and easy to put on

@Jade definitely will think about getting it

I play games like Halo or Marvel rivals where the matches aren't super long. I I also only have really played with my husband, sister in law (she's a mom too), and my brothers so they get it if I'm playing worse than usual. And as long as I don't yell I can sometimes have her nap on my lap as I play.

I use to play while propping him up eat so he also sees the tv and he’s been watching me play ever since he’s 1 now I didn’t have much of a hard time

Before he would nap on me and i play but now that he is 15 mo i wake up like 1-2 hrs before him if i wanna play 😂

Before my son was crawling, I kept him in a sling against my chest! Now he’s a 14 month wrecking ball, so if my husband is home, we take turns until bath/bedtime and play together when he’s asleep. I stay away from online games I can’t pause, just in case!

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