I live near the countess. Although she was tried for several babies deaths, there were others that died in that time period that she wasn't on shift for. 10 other babies died in that time period that have nothing to do with her. She was tried for 7 babies deaths- 17 died in her time in the countess. I wouldn't give birth in the countess. When my friend was in intensive care with COVID during the height of the pandemic I went to drop something at the ward reception and all the nurses were stood at the desk no masks laughing and joking eating cake asif nothing was going on when my friend hadn't been fed in days. Not saying she's innocent. But this hospital has a lot to answer for.
I just don’t understand if she’s innocent why she kept the diaries saying she was evil and she did it. She kept mementos, cards from grieving families, lists of names. It doesn’t make sense to me how she could be innocent.
Honestly I feel there’s a bigger picture to it and that she’s been made to be a scapegoat A lot of medical negligence and negativity around the hospital this happened at! It’s so hard to make any judgment
@Sarah does it make more sense to feel evil and guilt and keep a diary if you felt responsible rather than if you actually were responsible? I dunno I always felt like the diaries to me was weak evidence cus I feel like a psychopath wouldn’t write that kinda stuff… that’s the kinda stuff someone feeling immense guilt cus they couldn’t save them would feel. Same with the cards from family members if she is innocent maybe she just cared deeply about the babies 🤷🏼♀️ I feel like it’s also normal to look up the families afterwards on Facebook to see how they’re getting on. Still no idea whether I think she’s guilty or innocent though haven’t seen enough evidence either way but I feel like these things if anything make me lean towards innocence
I don't know absolutely all the details but there are some things that don't click. It is more convincing that the prevalent poor medical care is the cause and she is just a scapegoat to make everything go away without further investigation and point fingers to higher ups. In general there are more deaths of babies and mothers in the last years. Some boards are worse than others. If she is a murderer, it took them too freaking long to catch her and the only reason for that would be: the prevalent poor standard of care that allow many things to slip away. Even if she is guilty, there are more investigations to be done around the people that let this happen.
I'm honestly 50/50 right now. Would she really appeal twice if she was guilty? I'm sure I heard on the radio medical evidence proves the babys died due to natural causes or just bad medical care