Not had one yet at 9 months and don’t think I will be comfortable with it any time soon 🙈 I read somewhere (may not be credible information and I am in no way judging anyone who does let them) that baby shouldn’t be away from mum overnight before 12 months old. Obviously there are circumstances where it can’t be avoided x
9 months on the 9th and has never stayed away from home. Personally I feel like they're far too young still. Our girl doesn't sleep well and we're still trying to get some separation anxiety under control. Can only imagine it would set us back so far if she stayed anywhere else even with people she's comfortable being around. Once she's a bit older (probably over 1) and she sleeps better then I'd absolutely let her stay over at my parents house.
My 9 month old has had a few but only with my mum & sis. It is not unhealthy AT all to say no, 3 months is so young. If having a sleepover helps you - pls do. But if it adds to stress, absolutely not. Best of luck being firm with those asking. X
None for us. We live 2 hours from family and no one has visited regularly enough for her to know or them to know her routine, habits or cues. Once she’s off milk after a year we’ll most likely start considering it
My little boy is 9 months old and stays at my mums once a week and has done since he was a few weeks old. We needed help at the beginning and I like that he has the relationship with them that he’s happy to stay. It’s good for us, good for him and good for his grandparents. Everyone is different and feels a certain way about it so just do what you think is best. Don’t let anyone pressure you into anything
My boy slept at my mum's for the first time when he was 2 weeks old. Because I was struggling and needed a break. My mum has continued to have him once/twice a month since. And when I go back to work in April she'll be having him once a week. I absolutely adore my little boy but I feel so grateful for a break too. X
Yeah multiple times with my mum and dad when I’ve gone on nights out x
Mines breastfed so I have a good excuse! But st the end of the day you are the mummy so what you say goes, it's when you are ready
Thanks all! I exclusively pump as she wouldn’t ever latch and they’re always like just give me bottles ready for her but it’s not just that, I’m funny about giving my milk and it being wasted. Last time she stayed over when she was 6 months, she went through 8 bottles in a day and didn’t finish them and with me she would’ve had max 5. I said keep all the milk she doesn’t drink as I use it in her bath for her eczema and he just tipped it down the sink so really wound me up. I’m just fed up of being told it’s not healthy for us and she needs to see other people well why don’t they make an effort and come here to see her!
Nothing worse than wasting milk! I'd be sooo gutted!
My LO is 9 months and she’s stayed with my parents once a month since she was around 8 weeks, my mum is fantastic with my daughter and I 100% trust she does everything for her exactly how I would and I know she’d be straight on the phone if there were any issues at all. I won’t have her stay with anyone else. If you don’t want your LO away from you absolutely don’t do it just to please other people as you’ll just spent the whole time anxious which isn’t any kind of break for you. I’d only do it again when you and your LO are ready ❤️
My eldest was having sleepovers from a week old, my youngest is 8 months and still hasn’t had any. Depends entirely on how you feel about it, how THEY feel about it. What’s “healthy” is what makes you and your child feel happy, safe and secure, being away from them when you don’t feel comfortable is unhealthy, as is spending every minute together and sacrificing other elements and resenting it. 🩷
I'm not comfortable to do so until baby can communicate with us. We live quite far away from our families so we don't have anyone we would trust looking after the baby overnight but equally even with certain family I wouldn't be comfortable
Mine is 8 months. I don’t get why they need to be anywhere else but with mum at home except for emergencies and other exceptions.
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@Janey this! I’ve said no kissing her and other rules but I feel like when I’m not there that wouldn’t be listened to. Gosh I’d love nothing more than a break to just have a lie down and do nothing but I’d also I don’t want to be away from her. Would be nice if someone offered to come over and just let me do nothing or offered to help me clean but nope…They just want to hold her
Thanks all, you’ve really reassured me. She had so many sleepovers when she was a newborn that I regret everyday. I was suffering so badly postpartum and really got taken advantage of my partners mum playing the ‘mum’ role to my baby instead of supporting me and offering to help. I just feel quite scarred by it all to be honest. I was at a point where I wanted to put my baby up for adoption - it’s insane how your hormones make you feel but that all went away when she was around 2.5/3 months old and now I’m inseparable from her xx
My little girl hasn’t yet but she will be soon once I go back to work but literally only at my mams who I trust 100%! If I didn’t she wouldn’t be, don’t let anyone pressure you into anything! She doesn’t NEED to sleep anywhere other than home if you don’t want her to 😊 x