We had the same but actually thought it was the infacol which could be causing it! The HV said she’d heard similar things from other parents too!
@Lauren he's been the same even before he was having infacol, the dr suggested trying it just to help with the pains. It's so hard to know isn't it! Just hoping it gets better soon 😢
Yes!!! She has been terrible with it since birth but now at 8w it’s calmed right down, no longer cries when straining but does still try a few times a day before any real movement and still only poos every other day! Definitely just learning how to do it and building up the right tension etc!
I had the same with my first baby, Freda baby windi’s worked a treat! I really was hesitant using them at first, but couldn’t bare to see him in the pain he was in so ended up trying them & honestly they are amazing, pretty much instant relief, so much more settled after xx
My boy didn’t go for 5-6 days the other day and it was awful to see. We did gripe water, infacol (regular with every feed), tummy massages, bicycle legs, warm baths and foot massages. Not sure what worked and what didn’t but he finally went! It was still soft so think it was just him not knowing how to go, he often goes when relaxed so unsure if it was the bath etc