For me they started in my back and it was essentially a wave of tightening that went from my back, round the sides and all over my bump lasting about 30 seconds My braxton hicks were only tightenings on the bump/across the bump, didn’t last long and didn’t really hurt, just uncomfortable x
Braxton hicks I felt across my bump - felt like tightenings and my bump was rock hard. Early contractions (before 5cm) felt like period pains getting more intense.. but the same location, so in the abdomen/groin area. Then as the contractions progressed I started to feel it all over the bump - but most discomfort was very low x
I got to 3cm not knowing I was in labour. It was like braxton hicks with my belly going hard but it kept happening more frequently and for longer. When I was in established labour though, you can’t mistake it, they’re much more intense. I felt the pain in my back mostly. Like the worst period cramps.
It differs for everyone but mine started off like period cramps during early labour at the bottom of my bump and then got more intense and then active labour contractions were all over and you could definitely tell the difference.
@Lucy same. I got to 4cm feeling the period cramp feeling. After that it ramped up loads
Yes, all of those. And don’t forget the lower back!
Early contractions I felt lower part of bump (not scientific) Active labour contraction lower part, back, legs Braxton hicks I felt lower part of bump and were not the same as contraction pain! They were tightenings that would go away whereas contractions were longer tightenings that were more uncomfortable