What should I do?

Just after some advice, me and my baby’s dad are no longer in contact he can not be anywhere near my due to having a court order. I’m 38 weeks pregnant now and the other day I found out I was in slow labour I had planned not to tell him when I’m in labour because he’s allowed to be there. When my baby is born I don’t want their face posting but I know he will want to see a photo of baby but I don’t know what to do because he is the type of person that will post their face even if I ask not to. So when baby is born do I tell him and send him a photo or do I let him find out for himself? He is already annoyed that I haven’t told him that I’m in slow labour and I don’t want to file the fire but not sending him a photo of baby but I also don’t want everyone to see all over social media I want it to be as private as possible
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Obviously, I don’t know the reason you want a court order ect. However, he is the father and has a right to know his child has been born. I would send the photo! In court, it always looks better when there is an attempt of a relationship between father and child encouraged by you.

I have tried to maintain some form of a relationship for the sake of baby but he is allowed to contact me as long as it is in regards to the baby but he hasn’t bothered for the last 7/8 months we went to court because he became really abuse towards me after we split and would turn up at my home and leave things at my door, he would message me abuse on the Daily. I’ve told him he needs to sort himself out and to stop drinking and doing drugs but he hasn’t bothered made no effort to stop

If there is a court order in place because of abuse then you sending a photo could be seen as putting your baby at risk, as much as you would want to be a decent person and let him know, you already know he won’t respect your boundaries of not posting baby online and he’s abused you meaning he’s never been decent towards you so you owe him nothing! By sending the picture or letting him know baby has been born you could put yourself and baby in danger and if you have any involvement from social services they would see that as you putting yourself and baby at risk, I’d say don’t tell him to protect you both. If it’s ever brought up in court, the order was put in place due to him abusing you so it will look better that you didn’t have contact with him xx

I also don’t post my son’s face on socials. I posted one or two when he was born and never again. He’s 8 months old now and looks nothing like he did when he was born. So if it puts your mind at ease, send him the photo - your LO will change so quickly it won’t be the same as them as they change so rapidly xx

My sister sends her worthless BD photos with stickers on her twins' faces bc he posted them when she asked him not to. Send one tester photo at an angle instead of a direct shot. If he posts it, edit the rest of the photos, or don't send them⁷ anymore.

@Jess that’s not their order though. She has to communicate with him about the baby and he has rights once the baby is born.

I understand where you’re coming from 100% but this is out of your control. If he’s allowed to be there, will you have him there? Because he’ll see the baby eventually. You can’t stop him from posting

@Monét he’s not allowed to be at the birth my midwife and family nurse have put that in place and if he is to turn up invited and won’t leave then he will be arrested. He’s also not going on the birth certificate so he won’t have 50/50 rights and I’ve been recommended not to put him on there due to threats he’s made of him kidnapping baby and telling me he will give the baby the best life even if that means im not in it. I will only be willing to allow him to see baby as long as it is supervised and he is not on drugs or drink but he was not willing to have supervised contact when I have mentioned it

Ok but he can take you to court so I advise you do that early

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