Any tips for stopping dangerous climbing? I’m talking climbing up on high surfaces like the top of her toy kitchen, the kitchen table, her window sill etc. I can’t ignore it because it’s dangerous, asking her to get down results in her repeating ‘get down’ and smiling at me, I get her down and she gets straight back up. I know climbing is normal and I don’t want to stop her learning but it’s getting more daring and dangerous!
My 20m old climbs on the table and windowsill too, she has a climbing frame amd slide which she does use but I've just let her climb and if she falls she falls 🤷♀️ and she did fall off the windowsill about a month ago and hasn't climbed up since It's about them doing dangerous things safely and the more you try and stop them the more they want to do it. We started toddler gymnastics which has helped her get her climbing needs met in a safer environment too