While I was in hospital I only wore those disposable knickers. When I got home I changed over to pads. With ny first I put a pad in knickers but there was no need forr it really. And it all moved up in a bulge and definitely didn't help my stitches
@Alina you didn’t need pads at all in hospital??
With my last I used disposable pants and big pads for the first 4-5 days. I generally have heavy bleeding anyways so was obviously heavier after birth. After the first 4-5 days I just used big pants and pads. Personally I’d say pads and the pants are needed as most of the disposable pants only have a small tolerance as they’re mostly used for incontinence not bleeding x
Puppy pads in your bed to save your sheets for a couple of days would be good too 🫣
Granny pants and maternity pads were good for me too, I just changed pads every time I went for a wee
I never used any of the disposable knickers with my first just pads and plan to do the same this time. The pads are fine in your underwear, you will need to change them regularly though and will get through a LOT.
I just wore maternity pads in granny style knickers last time and that was sufficient for me!