We started cosleeping at 9ish months because of how often my daughter was waking up and it would have been dangerous for me to drive to work as sleep deprived as I was. Thats the only thing that’s worked for us. She’ll sleep the first stretch alone and then I join her after the first time she wakes up. I’m in the same boat of thinking we might be one-and-done though.
I cannot imagine. I’m so sorry! Depression and no sleep is the worst. Sleep training lasted 2 night here- everyone hated it. We still have 1-2 wakes up here but they usually resolve in 15-45 minutes now after we roof him to sleep. The only thing that worked for me to stop the extended wake windows at night was sleep tracking. I tracked his sleep for a few weeks. Then we found the perfect wake windows that give him enough sleep pressure to sleep through the night.
@Hannah I have the sleep tracking app where it gives you their sweet spot and all that. Hasn’t helped. Im at such a loss because I’ve literally tried everything under the sun and she refuses to sleep through the night and has tantrums during her hours of being awake
Co sleeping is the only way I have gotten any sleep, and my son still has frequent wake ups to nurse. I’m exhausted! Sending you lots of luck. This shit is hard.
3rd vote for cosleeping to catch up on sleep. My first son never slept through the night. However, we got him a twin size floor bed at 14 months. We used it for safe cosleeping. If there’s any family that can sleep over and help you catch up on sleep for at least one day, that may help too. Good luck 🤞🏼
What sleep training did you try? Were you consistent? If not even that is working I would get the ped to check ferritin levels. Normally, sleep training works if sollowing routine as well and wake windows. But if that didn't work get your kid check for ferritin and sleep apnea.
I am so sorry. Not sleeping is so difficult. We had a month of it recently and I thought I was gonna die. I hope you find a solution for your family. You deserve rest
Is your baby a colic baby? Bc that’s how my oldest was up until he got over the new born stage
Try bathing her in cabbage water
I'm in the same boat as you. I co sleep, yet she wants to sleep in my arms while I lay down. Was thinking one and done but I fear she'll be lonely if she's an only child.
That sounds really frustrating! I don't blame you for not wanting to deal with this again. Hope she grows into a good sleep pattern soon