Tummy time

Hey all, my LO is 21 weeks and still struggles a bit with tummy time and keeping her head up for longer periods of times. She seems to be pulling herself up to sit but hasn’t rolled over from back to belly yet either though she’s kicking constantly to try and get there 😂 I feel like I see everyone else’s posts and their babies have perfect head control at this point!
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Mine is technically 22 weeks but was 7 weeks early, so is a July baby but she hates tummy time. Only rolls front to back to get out of tummy time. Nothing seems to hold her attention. We're just trying to practice reaching and leaning over. She can still be a bit wobbly with her head. They are all different try not to worry xx

My girl is 19 weeks and we struggle with tummy time, only this past week she has started to lift her head and is happy to stay like it for a min or two but that’s it. She hasn’t rolled front to back as she is never on her front, but is rolling far onto her side from her back and pushing herself backwards along the floor with her feet.

Her head control is also not great, still bops around a bit.

Thank you so much! I’m trying really hard not to compare but it’s so hard not to constantly stress so it’s very comforting to know other people are in the same boat!

I’m really bad, I keep comparing her to her sister as she had great control and was rolling by now.

My son is 22 weeks, also hates tummy time. Can’t roll in any direction, he has recently started trying to turn to his side but isn’t quite making it without assistance. It’s stressed me out as we won’t be able to wean next month if he isn’t sitting up independently. But honestly, I’m no longer worried about it, he’ll get there when he gets there. In the mean time I’m helping him with exercises. Also, use a pillow for tummy time, he prefers being on an incline then directly on a flat surface.

My 21 week old is only just starting to tolerate tummy time but only for a max of 5 mins. He can't roll either way yet without a bit of a helping hand. He really seems to hate having his arms in front of him. It's so hard not to compare their progress to others. I swear I Google every day "should my baby be rolling yet."

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