My partner and I are also thinking of moving next year, but we will be going back home to Bulgaria, so we're closer to our families.
I would move tomorrow if we could but my parents can't move with us for health reasons and we wouldn't survive without them. We would probably go join my MIL in Australia. I'd go to Mexico but my husband doesn't speak Spanish.
I think having family around it important. I'm thinking Hong Kong. My partners family live out there. When we went it was a better way of life there. The UK is becoming so dangerous and feel there is not future in this country
I’d like to move to Aus. I’d prefer the sun and more outdoorsy lifestyle. The visa process is the only annoying thing.
Portugal 🇵🇹
We moved to UK from Italy. Primary reason financial. If we could we would never moved away form our families, our kid misses so much his grandparents and cousin’s. I wish you all the best though because it is a very brave thing to do xx
My family are the only thing that make me want to stay bit even they tell me to go for a better life for me and my Kids but I would miss them. I wish I could take them with me if I did xxx
My brother moved with his partner and children to Australia a year ago and LOVES it. I don't think I could handle the heat tbh! Although Australia definitely has its problems through, its not all rosy!
Definitely want to move to Australia, this country is not what it was for 1000 of years, hardly can call it home now x
I always hear great things about Australia!!! That's how I feel, I don't all it home. Feel so disconnected and hate it here now xxx
Cape Town! I love it there. With £, you can live like a king there.
It depends on what the reason to take this decision and whether a particular country will be able to address it or not