Sleep training

If you did sleep training with your LO, what method did you try, and how long did it take for them to start sleeping independently?
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Sleep train is a big word, usually associated with cry it out or some sort of Ferber method (there are other ways like chair and pick up/put down, etc). I did my own version of hands-on, parent present, no cry, training lol. And it obviously takes longer that way. But I wanna say less than 1.5 weeks. I’ve heard if you to methods like CIO it can happen in a matter of few days.

Here for the replys as I'm wondering the same ❤️

Sleep trained at 9 months. The plan was to try an in room method as wanted a gentler approach - could soothe with touch and sound while little one is in cot. However we found our presence was making baby more worked up. Switched to timed check ins and had to same issue - baby got more worked up when we went in and then left again. So ended up doing a modified cry it out - we went in when we felt we needed to. We learnt from the sound of his cries whether it was protest at being left alone or whether he needed something. LO slept through on night one (in room method), had a few wakes on subsequent nights, and then settled into routine over a few weeks. 4 months later we still get a few mins of protest on being put down in cot, but it is usually minimal, and overall sleeps much better (before we sleep trained, was waking 7 times a night on average and generally rocked to sleep early part of night, fed to sleep for later wakes).

(Continued) Understanding babies temperament is so important in working out which approach will work best, as is ensuring sleep routine is working for them. Too little sleep pressure and baby will fight sleep/take longer to settle and go to sleep.

Modified the Ferber method. My son took to it in two nights, my daughter in 3. Did it at 7 months.

@Neha I tried this fir the first time tonight. My gosh I couldn't cope with the crys after going in two times I caved and done my usual settle and feed to sleep it took only 5 minutes 😩 I guess I have to learn as well as the baby x

@Brittany was it hard? Did you find it hard when they cried 😩

@Nicole yes it was. When we went into to do the check in we would rub their backs, sing a little, and shush them. Although it was extremely hard it was 100% worth it and I would do it again if I was going to have more kids.

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