We're often our worst critics, but I think there's no best age for anything and it's impossible to fairly compare our lives to others as there are so many factors that affect everything that's happened to us. You can still learn to drive if that's something you want to do, you can still change career or get a better job later on, and you can still be a good parent in your 40s+! My mum was 38 when she had my sister and 41 when she had me. She thinks it 'kept her young' for longer.
Hey, I’m turning 39 this year and have one and one on the way. I think our generation our generally having children a bit later in life now. It’s nice to have lived a bit beforehand and to be honest I know I wasn’t mature enough or even interested in having children. Cameron Diaz just had her second child in her 50’s! Its not a race and I know it’s difficult not to compare but try not too, we have enough to worry about 💕
Hi love ! Turning 38 in march and this will be my first baby 💗 you can achieve all you want just never give up and follow your dreams ☺️
No judgement here, agree with above. I just wasn't ready till I was. I am exactly the same have a nearly 2yo and am 12w with my 2nd and am 42, will be 43 by the time they arrive. Life just happens that way and now you are having a different kind of adventure but that doesn't mean you arent going to be able to do all the things you want, its just gonna happen in a different order to how you pictured. You got this!!
Thank you so much for the encouraging words. It's funny because you're all saying pretty much what I would say to a friend who was feeling this way. I just struggle to give myself the same consideration. It's a weird place to be in - feeling so grateful to be pregnant with my second after struggling for 5 years to have my first child. But I'm also kind of mourning the fact that life just hasn't happened the way I'd hoped.
Firstly congratulations!! Awww its crazy that your thinking like this!! Always here for a chat xxx