Induction experiences?

My 1st came naturally at 37 weeks but this time round they are wanting to induce me on the 17th of Feb due to extra fluid. Does anyone have any experience and what I can expect ☺️
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I got induced at 38 weeks with my first with a pessary. Went in at 9am on the Thursday and they told me they’d check me at 9am Friday morning unless obviously something happened within the 24 hours sadly nothing happened so got a 2nd pessary in on the Friday morning and again told me I’d be checked Saturday morning unless something happens. Got checked Saturday morning and I was 2cm so they told me I just had to wait for a bed on the labour ward I got taken down at 10:30 that night to have my water broke and then he was here 5:28am Sunday morning! I honestly thought my induction was really relaxing

I was in early labour (1 24hr pessary, 4 6hr gels) for 4 days, got my waters broken and then she appeared 5 hours later, i didn’t have hormone drip x

@Leah thank you! ☺️

@Lucy oh wow it’s such a long process I thought it would be faster 😩

@Natalya that doesn’t sound too bad at all x

@Jessica I know it’s easier said than done but honestly just breathe through it and try to be positive! I listened to my reggae playlist and just bopped along 🤣it made it so much easier and it was such a nice labour and birth I enjoyed it x

@Jessica it works differently for different people and there’s different methods of induction. But it can be tedious so just be prepared for a long stay!

@Lucy definitely thank you x

I got induced at 40 weeks, it was horrible, long and painful and needed epidural and suction cup to get her out. I will not be having one again! BUT everyone is different and it really depends on how your body reacts to the hormones. Hopefully as it’s your second baby your body remembers what to do ❤️

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