
Recently started my little girls morning nap in the next2me upstairs as she has always been a contact napper. She takes around 15-20 mins to fall asleep but everytime will only nap 30 mins😭 anyone else have this?
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Yessss😬 mines started only napping for 30-45 mins! Used to be at least an hour!

exactly the same as ours. i’m taking it as a win though, at least they’re taking a nap in the next2me (which for me, neeeever happened before 😂) i sometimes finish it off with a contact nap when mine wakes up if he’s still tired.

Do you use white noise and blackout blinds as these have helped my little one extend his naps?

@Tanya yes I do.. she’s fine going down in the evening and I treat it exactly the same, she just seems to catnap in the day 🥴😂

@Hannah I’m the same haha I don’t wanna moan too much cause atleast she is settling init so my arms get a rest 😂 just hoping the more she gets used to it she will nap a little longer lol

Yep full on cat naps in my house atm. Sometimes may get a 2 hour nap later in the day when the overtired was catches up x

@Amy glad not just me lol. My girls the same, later in the day she can sleep longer but If on me😂 x

Haha my LO only naps in her crib for 20-30 mins but if I’m on a walk and she’s in the carrier it’s an hour 🙃

It’s totally normal for this age. At night they sleep longer as they have melatonin on their side but yeah it’s rubbish. Gotta ride it out, it will get better…eventually x x

Our first nap is only 30 mins but we are getting longer naps at lunchtime but I do sometimes need to help him connect sleep cycles

Yeah my little girl only naps in her cot for about 30 mins. If she’s in her pram and I’m walking she sleeps until I stop walking so can go for hours 😂

Her first nap seems to be 30 minutes and she can’t get herself back to sleep but is quite obviously still tired. The rest of the naps in the day are longer though. I only started putting her in her cot to sleep yesterday too.

Yes mine is like this too I think it’s quite normal at this age to only nap for 30 mins. Even if we’re out and about my boy will only nap 30 mins but can go 3 hours at night

Mine sleeps for approx 45mins from 10am and then will go down for about 3hrs between 12/1 then stays awake until approximately 8pm I find changing into night baby grow helps her see day vs night x

@Jessica same here or if she’s on me! 🥴

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@Marina what are you doing to help connect the sleep cycle? Xx

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