@Kayleigh aww thankyou yeah this is what I’m thinking because with a induction I could be in for days and I just know all I would be doing is worrying about my girl and she gets very stressed if me or her dad isn’t with her, how long are you usually in with a c section? Are you allowed home straight away? Xx
I’ve just had my second baby and my first was 18 months as well. I had to have a c-section and I have to admit it was nice being able to arrange everything prior to giving birth. I was in for 1 night so my little boy had his Dad home then x
I’ve just had my second and my first is 21 months. We were in the same situation that he had never stayed with anyone other than us, I knew I wanted my parents to look after him but they live 3 hours away so I was really stressed about how everything would work, especially as my first labour was quite fast. I had a growth scan at 38 weeks and my little girl had turned breech so was booked in for an elective c section at 39 weeks and although it’s not what I wanted, it made childcare so much easier!! I went in Wednesday morning, baby was born 2pm that day and I was home by 5pm on the Thursday. My parents came to stay at my house so my little boy was in his own space with his own bed and toys and I think that made it much easier for him. I also wrote very detailed instructions about his routine and food he likes etc. (which my mum asked for 😬).
@Courtney not straightaway, I’d probably say you’ll be in for one night atleast! They give you a spinal for the C-section, with my hospital they keep you in bed for 12 hours before they get you up - you’ll also have a catheter too where you’ll need to make sure you can wee after having it out. I was up and about by 7am Thursday morning but had to wait for checks on baby and medications before we could go home! The recovery is just a bit more with a section as you can’t do anything strenuous for 6 weeks xx
@Megan how did all you girls find recovery? As when I had my natural birth, recovery was awful as I teared quite bad but everyone says c section is worse so I’m worrying how I’d cope not being able to live with a newborn and a toddler! X
I was in this same position when I had my son back in August. Other than the three days I was in the hospital I have never been apart from my daughter and at the time of his birth she was only 15 months old. What worked best for me was having my mother in law come stay at our house and my husband went back and forth from helping his mom with our daughter to spending time with me in the hospital. It kept my daughter more comfortable and gave me the peace of mind I needed.
@Courtney I had an episiotomy with my first and recovery was really quick, it has been longer this time but very manageable. The first few days were tough but my little girl is 2 weeks today and I feel basically back to normal, the hardest thing is that I can’t lift my little boy 🥺
My second is 7 weeks now and i feel nearly back to normal, just some numbness left. The worst for me was the first week and then slowly I got moving more. I did have my partner home for a month though and that really helped. You will adjust I promise, I have a very active toddler and we’re getting in the swing of it now 😅
Even with an elective csection you don't always know exactly how long you will be in for, my first I was in for 5 days my 2nd was 2 days
@Victoria you know a more rough time compared to an induction
I had to have an elective section because my twins were breech. My oldest also hadn't stayed anywhere else without me before either. So I had my mum come and stay at my house with her. I was away one night so it wasn't too bad x
Hey, I’ve just had my second and my first is 18 months. I went for a C-section over induction (after trying for a VBAC) as I knew timings for when I’d give birth, be home for etc. We had family come and stay at ours so we could keep my little boy in his routine and my husband could come home after baby was born and do bedtime etc. I was dreading leaving him but he actually did amazing with us not being here. I went in on the Wednesday early morning and was home Thursday night xx