PP Bleeding. How much?

Girls I am now almost 4 weeks pp (lg born 09.01). Vaginal birth with episiotomy. After birth I had very very little bleeding just felt like a light period, no clots etc. within the last few days I’ve started bleeding really heavily with clots. Longest I can wear a pad for is 3-4 hours but I change every time I go to the toilet. Ftm also so I’m not sure what I should be expecting from my bleeding but my clots are quite big? Is it just delayed since I had only small amount of bleeding after birth?? Do I need to tell anyone or can I just wait it out?? * photo is of pad after an hour
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I was told after having my son anything bigger than a 50p coin could be a cause for concern and to call the midwife

@Laura I’ve been discharged by midwife already, do you think I contact HV or drs now? I’m really not sure nobody’s really said anything about it to me because up until a few days ago I wasn’t bleeding only spotting every now and again 🥲 xx

I can’t remember how long after you can call the pregnancy unit, but if you’re worried id definitely call your GP or Health visitor. Please don’t worry too much, I didn’t bleed very much then on day 10(ish) I had a huge bleed. I mean flooded off my feet, down my legs, clots, huge! I got checked and was absolutely fine. It was just the bleeding that had built up over the week/days! Really hope you’re okay xx

I would definitely call either of those to be checked. HV may just tell you to call GP so maybe start there? but also try not to stress yourself too much. I also wasn’t bleeding much and then I suddenly passed a clot the size of the palm of my hand it literally looked bigger than a baseball and everything was fine

Not on this group but came up on my feed. I had my baby girl vaginally and had an episiotomy and tearing as well. I bled for 10 weeks and no one seemed concerned just kept telling me “everyone is different.” I had very similar blood clots to you and one time it covered my whole pad - was awful, I totally freaked. The midwife checked it and said as long as they’re squishy and she could break them apart she wasn’t concerned. Definitely call someone to check because they do ask you to call if it’s bigger than 50p. I know it’s gross but keep the pad with the clots as well as then they have the actual thing to check (like the midwife did with mine).

Yes that’s true they did also ask me if I opened the clot up or still had it to look at🙃 me being me was totally grossed out by this thinking why would they expect my first thought to be to open it or carry around a baseball sized clot😭 but yes maybe try keep hold of it like lena said so they can check it out!

My bleeding had pretty much stopped by 2 weeks but since starting to be more active (even just 5 minute gentle strolls) the bleeding has started again so an increase can also be related to how much you're doing!

Thankyou girls I really appreciate it. My partners just gone back to work last week so I’ve been doing a lot more so makes sense! I will give it another day and then contact gp if still carries on. I had read somewhere before about clots being squishy and broken apart so gross enough I did check this and has put me at ease for now xx

Yeah the midwife said that if they’re squishy and break apart then there’s not anything to worry about but always good to get it checked if you’re worried!

@Emma you still get 6weeks, you can still go to triage even after six weeks however you might not be a priority and have to wait for a long time to be seen, the gp will see you a lot quicker

The GP will see you asap, you can still go to triage but might have to wait for a while

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