How are you getting your EBF baby to sleep OTHER than nursing?

My EBF 3 month old is Finally starting to stretch his feeds for more than 90min between each. But that means sometimes he needs a nap when he's not hungry and it's near impossible for him to fall sleep without nursing. He won't take a pacifier and just ends up so over tired he eventually gets hungry again and passes out mid-feed. Any tips at all would help.
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We go for walks in the pram or the carrier. She falls asleep quicker in the carrier

I pop mine in a sling wrap and dance around the kitchen, or go for a walk in the sling or the pram! Bouncing on a Swiss ball helps as well. It’s hard though, I feel you!

I would usually put him in the carrier and then walk around with him to get him to sleep at this age if he wasn't breastfeeding to sleep.

Walking in the baby carrier.

Breastfeeding is the biologically normal way for infants to go to sleep, seek comfort, soothe/co-regulate. I personally never tried to make them sleep without nursing unless they just happened to fall asleep on their own while I was wearing them or they fell asleep in thr car.

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