Still crampy and bleeding

Hi I think I was around 8 weeks when I miscarried, I passed the sac and large clots two days ago bleeding tapered off but now got heavier and cramping again. No clots. Is this usual? Been bleeding a total of 5 days
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This happened to me, I was fine though. I bled a total of 10 days on and off heaviness. My cramping was bad for 4-5 days and thought I may had retained tissue but negative test after 3 weeks. If your worried phone 111 or get a doctors appointment x

I would contact your early pregnancy unit and ask for a scan to be safe

@Courtney Davis did you go to doctors or did you just wait it out? I don’t feel too bad things have defo eased up but still feel I’m bleeding on and off xx

I went to an urgent care but I had my daughter and didn’t want her to sit in a&e for hours as the flu is about and I don’t want her ill so I left it and rang 111 the day after for advice. But I left it in the end. You’ll bleed for longer than 5 days anyway, that’s normal. My cramps eased off after about 5 days so x

@Courtney Davis ah great thank you for your advice… I’ve had losses before but never as far as 8 weeks always like 4 week mark. Sorry for your loss too 🤍🤍Xx

Aw bless you :( I’ve had 2 mmc in a row my last one just before 10 weeks. In a space of 4/5 months too! Hope you’re okay if you want anyone to talk to my inbox is open. And thank you I appreciate that, sorry for your loss too it’s not nice :(💝💝💝

@Courtney Davis oh girl that is rough I’m so sorry 😭🤍I’ve had a total of 5 losses now. But I also have 4 kids. I hope you get your rainbow very soon 🌈 ♥️✨ thank you may drop you a message soon if that’s ok xx

I appreciate that💝 oh wow, that’s a lot, have you seen a miscarriage consultant or anything? I hope you get your rainbow soon too! I think the more kids you have the worse it becomes because you know what you’re missing out on! And of course!!💝xxx

@Courtney Davis no as I’ve had two in a row then had a baby, I think it’s just been bad luck honestly 😭 this is my second mc

Since December. Xxx

Aw I’m so sorry:( it’s horrible! Hopefully you get your rainbow!! Xx

I just had an 8 week loss too. It took several days for me to pass most of the large clots. I even went in and they did a pelvic exam and pulled out more tissue. That was last week and I passed another clot this morning 😑 it’s been 11 days since bleeding started.

@Lisa sorry to hear this 🤍 I passed two large clots the other day and a much smaller one today. Hopefully things ease soon. Hope you’re doing ok xx

I’m mostly just sad and I have a headache probably from the hormone shift. I do have a follow up on Friday to make sure there’s not any retained tissue and make sure my HCG levels are falling

@Lisa sending love 🤍 do you find your bleeding gets heavier when you’ve been doing more I’ve mostly been resting off work etc but today I’ve walked up town and noticed I could feel blood coming out…. Not anything crazy but defo more than when I’ve been at home xx

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@Courtney Davis hey lovely I’ve phoned epu today and they’re saying my test should be negative by now. It’s been 10 days how long before you got a negative ? I’m now all worried as still faint positives x

Hey girl, I got a negative finally just over week 3 I think it was like 2 days after 3 weeks! If it’s still positive after then I’d definitely phone epu back for a scan x

@Courtney Davis were you epu not concerned? She told me it should really be negative within a week! And caused me anxiety 😭😭 xx

I had 2 mmc. My first one was negative just before 3 weeks and my second was after. I think it varies for each person. The first time I had medical management from the epu and they told me 3 weeks whereas the second time was natural and I just waited 3 weeks as it was there advice xx

@Courtney Davis so strange how areas differ! I will try not panic too much a week is pretty fast to assume a test will be negative I did think that xx

No worries! I was just over 8 weeks with the first one I miscarried and that was 3 weeks so honestly I wouldn’t worry too much! Sorry for your loss :( xxx

@Courtney Davis I think I was around 8 weeks also! Wow why cause panic when it can be completely normal I don’t understand it xx

@Courtney Davis sorry for your losses also 🤍🤍

I guess some areas are different! But at least you know it’s a little more normal now girl you don’t need to worry!! If you wanna talk message me I’m happy to talk :) xxx

Thank you🫶🫶🫶

@Courtney Davis thanks hun, I’m in Scotland… I just feel she’s caused me more anxiety than needed like my previous miscarriages have returned to normal after a week but she’s made me feel like this is abnormal! This is my tests today Xx

Before they were super dark xx

Your welcome! And yeah you’re bound to feel anxious about it, it’s scary and heartbreaking thing to go through :( xxx

That’s really good that there like that, mine were like that 3 days before 3 weeks so that should go down soon! Give it a week and test again xxx

Thanks so much you’ve made me feel so much better 🤍🤍

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You’re so welcome girl x

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