Fever and nursery

Hey! It’s been a whirlwind of 5 days. Basically, my little girl spiked a whopping temp on Saturday 39.7- came down with medicine and we managed through the day. Sunday was the same and because of how high it was I rung 111. They advised to go to the pharmacy on Monday to have them look at her, so I did. They didn’t do much, just looked at her and told me to keep doing what I’m doing. Tuesday was the same, spiking up but coming down. This morning she was fine up until 9am and it spiked again to 38.4, came down with medicine. I then rung the GP as it’s been 5 days as per advice and they listened to chest, looked at throat and ears and just said all is fine and keep doing what I’m doing. My question is, when is it not ‘fine’? She’s alert, she’s drinking lots of water, eating is off as she is popping some more teeth but she is managing cold soft foods. She honestly is like a Furness when it really spikes, the heat is something else. She does have a cold (runny nose, cough). She’s due at nursery Friday and I’m a bit reluctant to send her as I don’t want to pass anything on to any other babies… but I’m just getting told it’s viral and cold related. Any advice? 🙏🏻x
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I honestly would say it is teething related xx

Oh really? I always thought it would only ever be a mild temp with teething and not as high as this. Thank you, have you had similar? X

@Amy yes my 13 months old is currently going through it, think I can see tooth 9&10 about to come, his have been coming in pairs so he’s been struggling quite a lot with his poos, temp, runny nose and grouchy xx

@Storme thank you 🫶xx

Yes we had the same, after nursery off course couple of weeks ago. She had that high temp as your little one, we did what you did and within 5 days she was fine again.

@Merion thank you!xx

She might be fine, but I would want to make sure nothing is overlooked. It could be an infection somewhere other than throat or ears, so I'm really surprised they didn't take her blood and urine sample which is standard in some other countries. I would take her to a&e if the fever is still there after 5-6 days and request tests. Better safe than sorry Edit: or request tests with the gp, idk which is more effective

It sucks when they’re ill. Temperatures/fevers can linger for a while as it’s part of the body fighting off an illness. Cold signs with the fever is actually a good thing - a fever with no obvious virus is something we’ve been told to look out for by a paediatric consultant. If the temp does come down with paracetamol then that is another good sign. Virus’s do just need to run their course though and as long as she’s staying hydrated then you’re doing the main thing. Re teething, there isn’t any real evidence that it causes a proper fever and only some limited evidence it can raise a temp slightly. Babies get a lot of colds in their first years and also grow lots of teeth - it’s kind of inevitable they’re going to coincide really.

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