I didn't change anything 🙈 hoover and mop every other day but the baby, toddler and spaniel all live happily together. My dogs bed is in the kitchen and the majority of the time he's either on our bed or on the sofa (to escape the kids 🤣) we have baby gates everywhere so I can separate dog from baby if I need to leave the room but I've never had any hygiene concerns, my 1st is 3 and he's never ill /had anything caused by being on the floor with the dog xx
I have a Labrador and when the temp starts going up she moults like CRAZY. It’s impossible to keep on top of and I hoover every single day 😂 my boys not crawling yet but I don’t have a clue what I’ll do. The hair sends me under 😫
@Anastasia @Rosie I can relate 🤣 people probably wonder why I got a dog when I like everything to be clean all the time. I do wipe the dog down every time we’ve been out including her bum 😬. @Kryssi that’s reassuring. I mean I grew up with dogs and my parents never seemed to have any concerns either. Just need to get used to it with my own LO!
It builds their immune system, embrace it although tough! Kids that grow up with pets have stronger immune systems research shows. We’re the same, no stopping him in the mat now and we’ve 2 dogs and 2 cats!
We have a army crawler at the minute and she’s heading straight to the dog bowls/ bed. At the minute I’m just moving her to the other side of the room and she’s giving me attuide about it before heading straight back. Going to move his bowls into the kitchen (which the dog will hate but will have to deal), and I have no idea about his bed because it’s in the only other open space in the room other than her play mat. But he is used to me constantly moving his bed around the house. But I think I’d get real attuide if I put his only downstairs one in the kitchen ( he HATES the kitchen floor 😂) so that’s means slowly teaching baby that’s doggie bens space and she can’t touch it ?? He has lots of ducky’s and she’s noticed them. he also occasionally leaves them on her mat. Just going to keep it in my line of sight and if the dog is in the room I can say ‘ducky’ and he should go pick it up before the baby gets there, we wipe down the playmat every evening tho.