Milk and protein allergy

My baby girl has been struggling when it comes to feeding with choking and coughing when breastfeeding, constantly congested, would be sick very often, hates being laid down will only sleep or settled being laid on my chest and would choke randomly ages after feeds. After an awful couple of days with her barely sleeping and in so much pain I took her to the doctors and got the answer, she has reflux. We got told to give her infacol which has helped settle her. She isn’t in pain screaming crying and managing to sleep now, but all the other symptoms are still there. I just knew there was something else going on causing the reflux. So after speaking to the health visitor today with all the symptoms and she has red spots on her top half of her body she believes she has a milk and protein allergy thats causing the reflux. So now planning on cutting milk completely out of my diet to see if that is the case. Has anyone else gone through this? Any help would be appreciated
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I had to cut out dairy, eggs, fish and tomatoes whilst I was breastfeeding, it was ok, there are lots of vegan options in the supermarkets nowadays, I did lose a bit of weight though x

I'm currently going through something very similar. I'm currently using Colief drops and have found this helps. I'm also trialing colief drops with gaviscon for terrible reflux. We stopped Gaviscon at Christmas as it caused terrible constipation but we now do 1-2 sachets a day max. My next step is to cut out dairy if this doesn't improve. It's hard to tell atm as LO has a cold! My logic for using colief first was to try and establish whether it is a CMA or lactose intolerance. If you are planning on doing an elimination diet make sure to keep a diary. That was you can plot any flare ups etc, particularly as dairy is not always obviously in a lot of foods! I was told that rashes are more of a sign of CMA which my little one doesn't have. He has all the other symptoms though! My baby is also BF but I was also offered dairy free formula on prescription. It apparently tastes awful so you have to wean them off BM onto it. It's an absolute nightmare - I've been on the phone to the doctors everyday this week ❤️

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