@Jessica thank you for the reply. A birth reflection would have been helpful, because you have do much going around in your head. It’s good to know it gets easier. My husband knows and or very supportive 💕
@rosie glad to hear your husband is supportive, I think it can be slightly traumatic for them too seeing us going through that, my husband actually cried as he was so scared for me and the baby! You can refer to the birth reflections anytime, although it may vary from place to place. I had mine when my son was around 18 months old as I was starting to think about having another baby but was scared.
Ah I remember that. Took me weeks to get over the trauma of birth. I was induced but then had an emergency c section & I still remember the flashbacks and nightmares. It helps having support around you, partner family etc. ❤️
Yeah my waters were broken after contractions as they took too long, long labour, episiotomy, failed vacuum, eventually forceps and postpartum hemorrhage. I managed to stop revisiting the memories about a couple of months in. Now baby is 4 months old, I barely think about it. I hope you get some comfort from support and feel better soon ❤️
Sorry you are experiencing this. I had a horrible birth - mine was a precipitous labour and active labour was only 3 hours. It was excruciating because everything was accelerated - contractions were 1 minute on, 1 minute off. I delivered naturally only to then experience a massive haemorrhage and end up be rushed into theatre away from my husband and baby. I ended up with a spinal and then various drips afterwards, so I could barely hold her and was in hosp for 3 days. Milk didn’t come in so it’s also affected my BF experience and now I’m combi feeding. All this to say…baby is now 6 weeks old and my feelings have already started to shif from anger and sadness to feeling immensely proud that I delivered her and she is here safe, fed and cared for despite everything we have been through. I feel like superwoman when I think of what I endured during labour and those early weeks. I promise it gets easier and your mind will heal with time. You did amazingly well xxx
Thanks so much ladies. It’s shocking but reassuring (in a sense of community) that I’m not alone. I’m very glad to hear the trauma heals. My husband found it traumatic too like you say @Jessica , bless him. Having the love of a baby helps it fade.
Sorry to hear you had a traumatic experience 😕 it’s completely normal to have flashbacks etc. I felt the same after my first baby was born (I also had long labour, cannulas, catheters, episiotomy, failed forceps then ventouse delivery and I had too many internal examinations). I found it does get easier as time passes, I didn’t have any therapy but it’s good that you are going to be referred. I had a birth reflections debrief where a midwife went through my notes and explained what happened and why and gave me the opportunity to ask questions. It reassured me that none of it was my fault it was just the circumstances. I felt better after and thankfully I had a healing water birth with my second baby. Be kind to yourself and make sure you tell people how you’re feeling x