Anyone overdue and being induced?

Not due to a medical reason but just because of being overdue/worried about the increase in stillbirth rate/other reason? My induction is booked for Monday but hoping to go into labour naturally before then, and hopefully have a successful sweep or two as well. 🤞 Just wondering if anyone is in the same boat & how they feel about induction as opposed to waiting for labour to happen naturally. I’d love to wait until 42 weeks but i think my anxiety on stillbirth rate and placenta function wouldn’t be worth it (plus baby had reduced movements recently so another factor for me).
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i’m overdue, currently 40+3 but choosing not to be induced until the very last minute. of course i’m worried about the stillbirth rate, however it doesn’t exactly skyrocket & most babies are born problem free, happy & healthy. personally i want to wait until very last second as induction labour is usually more painful than a spontaneous labour & more likely to result in an assisted delivery, plus i won’t be able to give birth in the unit i want to & have to be in the hospital. but thats just me! anxiety around childbirth is so common and completely normal - you have to do what you feel is right for you & your baby!

I was told that I would be offered an induction at 41 weeks by my MW at my 36 week appointment (currently 37 weeks) I have no medical reason as to why I should so I decided to do some research. If you want to you could read up on the NICE guidelines around induction so you’re aware of the information and data that’s been provided. Sara wickham (I visited her website) is a good source to read too around inductions and quotes nice guidelines. It is ultimately your choice but understand when they talk about still birth it adds extra anxiety. Hopefully the sweeps might help 😊 xx

@quira i’m 40+2 ☺️ what is last second for you, 42 weeks or? I fully agree, gotta do what’s best for you & baby, very difficult decision to make as i feel like maybe waiting for 42 weeks but equally, my partners & my anxiety about baby is already quite high (plus i’m soo over being pregnant and uncomfortable) that i think actually, the sooner they’re out the more i can relax!

@Alex i was offered induction at 41 weeks also (mine is booked for monday when i’m 41 weeks on the dot). I think i follow her on insta, so will have a little look! Saw a doctor today in the hospital who said the still birth rate increases from 40 weeks, as does the need for a csection, however equally said it’s a small increase - so it really is very hard to decide as i know there can be a lot of scaremongering but equally, there is some fact in there. Fingers crossed the sweeps do help! I’d love baby to pick their birthday themselves! X

@Liv (previously Peanut) 42 weeks is the last second for me, i’d like to not go over 42 weeks but i’m also not massively too stressed if i do - but that’s just me. it makes perfect sense, it’s perfectly reasonable to want baby out at this point being over the pregnancy & so uncomfortable, it’s horrible! 🥲 so i completely see why you’d want baby out, there’s no harm in wanting baby out so you can be comfortable again as baby is full term & fully ready(they’re just stubborn as anything!) X

I'm over due and if I haven't had baby by Monday being induced as Monday I'll be 41 weeks I've had 3 sweeps ready as well

I had two unsuccessful sweeps, one at 41 weeks and one at 41+4. My cervix was fully closed. I had my induction booked for today at 41+6 and had no hopes for spontaneous labour anymore. As i was walking from the car park to the maternity unit my waters broke! I couldn’t believe it. About 20 minutes later i lost my mucus plug as well. I was sent home lol so currently waiting for things to progress. I’m having mild cramping at the moment. It is crazy how quickly things can change so don’t be discouraged. A full term pregnancy can go up to 42 weeks and the risks increase only slightly after that xx i’m so glad i waited

@Liv (previously Peanut) it’s weighing up the pros and cons to it all. And it’s totally your choice. You do what feels right for you 😊 I was offered induction at 39 weeks with my first baby due to reduced movements and was told the same by a doctor, I declined and after a sweep at 40+4 weeks I went into labour. I’ve never heard or read anything about stillbirth rates increasing from 40 weeks 🤔 if that’s the case why can they let you go up to 42 weeks 🤷🏼‍♀️ but I don’t know if that’s a trust thing or general info they are sharing. Whatever happens and whatever you decide, I hope your labour goes well and baby arrives safely 😊 xx

I could have written this post myself, I’m 40+2 and have had 4 sweeps now due to him being big and having a big belly. I turned down induction and c section last week and am booked in for one tomorrow but I’m going to tell them I want to wait a few more days. Hoping this sweep will set my waters off naturally! I’m really worried about going over 41 weeks because of what I’ve read about the placenta/stillbirth. How many weeks will you be on Monday? X

@Daria no way!! What luck that was! Congrats & i hope your labour goes smoothly and you get the birth you wanted 🥰

@Alex i’m hoping they can do a sweep this week as previously my cervix is too far back for them to fully reach and try, i’m doing allll the tricks at home i can to dilate/get labour started myself but who knows what really works. I hadn’t either, my midwife said from 42 weeks, but the dr today said from 40 weeks the risk increases, albeit very marginally. One in like, thousands, i believe? Thank you and i hope yours also! ☺️☺️

@Kylie it would be amazing if sweeps worked without fail, unfortunately I’ve tried 2-3 times and my cervix was too far back so unable to do a sweep. Am trying again on friday in some last minute hope they can do one, and that it actually sets labour off. On monday i’ll be 41 weeks, i’m currently 40+2 today. The still birth and placenta thing is a worry but also a very small chance, but for me i’m not sure it’s a chance i’m willing to take, but it’s hard to also imagine continuing to 42 weeks because i have been fed up and over pregnancy for weeks now and the thought of waiting more fills me with dread 😩 Appendix 1 for the stats of perinatal death at 41 weeks vs 42 weeks.. 0.04% vs 0.35%, the risk difference and overall risk is absolutely tiny! Absolutely not worth having an induction for me personally.

I’m choosing an elective induction for 38+6 wks

@Liv (previously Peanut) oh we are the same due date!! Hoping the one on Friday works for you. Yeah I’m not willing to risk it to be honest. Is this your first? This is my second and I’ve been told that I may not need the pessary as I’m already 3cm and he’s ready so they may just break my waters. Xx

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@Sharnee oh wow i didn’t realise you could be induced before 40 weeks electively, i assumed they made you wait until your due date at least. Do you mind me asking why? Good luck with it ☺️☺️

It’s my 3rd baby, I don’t want to go into spontaneous labour due to my circumstances. Given that I had my second at 38+6 I’m not all that confident I’ll make it to then but can only hope. No issues with baby and if circumstances were different I’d wait to go spontaneously but it was causing me too much stress and anxiety

@Yaz thank you for this!

@Kylie ahh due date twins! 3rd and overdue 😅 thank you me too, i keep getting period cramps in bed but they stop as soon as i get up for a wee so sadly don’t think they mean anything. Would love for a sweep to happen/work so i can go into natural labour. That’s amazing you’re already dilated! So you could just have your waters broken any time now and hope that starts your contractions? X

@Liv (previously Peanut) haha! Aww that’s annoying. I actually had a false start last Saturday and they were coming every 7 mins, I got to the hospital and could barely walk and then they just stopped. I was so gutted! My first birth was quick so this one is apparently meant to be quicker. Yeah I’m hoping so but who knows! They’ve moved it to Saturday now so I’m going to get walking and hope my waters break on their own 🤞🏻🤞🏻 good luck to you! Xx

@Kylie thats mad that happens! How annoying :( are they breaking your waters today? If so goodluck and hope it brings contractions on!

@Liv (previously Peanut) I didn’t need to be induced! He came on 7 Feb on his own and my waters broke just before I gave birth to him in the water 🥰 xx how are you doing?

@Kylie congratulations mama! I hope you have a quick recovery and enjoying your beautiful baby boy. Was he quicker than your first? 💙

@Sharnee overall (from going 2-10cm) that bit was longer this time (last time I went from 2-8cm in like half hour!) but from active labour, it was an hour shorter (4 hours instead of 5 with like 5/10 mins of pushing, that was super quick)! Thank you. Recovery I feel better already than I did last time but I listened to the midwives about pushing/stopping so I didn’t need stitches this time. I did before! X

@Kylie Aw that’s so good to hear. I’m glad things worked out well

@Kylie no way!! Congratulations that’s amazing news! Hope you are both doing well. I’m ok thank you, last attempt at a sweep today! X

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